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Whole-Body Contouring With Exion

EMSCULPT NEO in St. Petersburg

March 18, 2024

Doctor Thorpe applying the emsculpt neo paddle to a man's abdomen

Unlock the Future of Body Sculpting with EMSCULPT NEO

Introducing EMSCULPT NEO in St. Petersburg, the next evolution in non-invasive body sculpting technology. At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness in St. Petersburg, FL, we’re thrilled to offer this groundbreaking treatment to help you achieve your body goals faster and more effectively than ever before.


EMSCULPT NEO is a revolutionary body contouring device that simultaneously reduces fat and builds muscle using advanced electromagnetic and radiofrequency technology. It’s the first and only FDA-
approved treatment that combines these two modalities for comprehensive body sculpting.


During an EMSCULPT NEO session at Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, the applicator delivers synchronized bursts of electromagnetic energy to induce supramaximal muscle contractions. These contractions are more intense and frequent than what’s achievable through voluntary muscle contractions or other treatments.
Simultaneously, the applicator emits radiofrequency energy, which heats the fat cells beneath the skin, causing them to break down and be eliminated by the body’s natural processes. This dual-action approach results in targeted fat reduction and muscle growth in the treated area.

What Areas Can EMSCULPT NEO Treat?

 Abdomen: Achieve a toned, sculpted midsection with improved definition and muscle strength.

 Buttocks: Lift and firm the buttocks for a more youthful and contoured appearance

 Arms: Reduce excess fat and increase muscle tone in the upper arms for sleeker contours.

 Thighs: Sculpt and define the thighs while reducing cellulite for smoother, more toned legs.


Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO Treatment: 

1. Non-Invasive: EMSCULPT NEO requires no incisions, anesthesia, or downtime, making it a safe and convenient alternative to surgical procedures.
2. Efficient: Each EMSCULPT NEO session typically lasts 30 minutes, and optimal results can be achieved with just a few treatments.
3. Customizable: Our experienced team at Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness will tailor your treatment plan to address your specific body goals and concerns.
4. Natural-Looking Results: EMSCULPT NEO produces natural-looking results, enhancing your physique without a “fake”; or overdone appearance.
5. Long-Lasting: With a healthy lifestyle, the results of EMSCULPT NEO can last for months to come, helping you maintain your newfound confidence and body contours. 

Transform Your Body with EMSCULPT NEO at Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness

Ready to sculpt the body you’ve always wanted? Contact Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness in St. Petersburg, FL, today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how EMSCULPT NEO can help you
achieve your body goals. Let us help you unlock the future of body sculpting and embrace a more confident, empowered version of yourself. 

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