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Whole-Body Contouring With Exion

Exion in St. Petersburg

February 21, 2024

Woman satisfied with results from Exion in St. Petersburg

It’s true—youth is wasted on the young, but, thankfully, youthful skin doesn’t have to be! And achieving tight, glowing skin has never been easier thanks to Exion. Exion is a multi-faceted device designed to treat many parts of the body using radiofrequency and targeted ultrasound technology. 

At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we use Exion in St. Petersburg, equipped with several applications to contour your body and restore your skin. With Exion Face, we treat wrinkles, laxity, scaring, and lines on your neck and face to give you a more youthful glow. We also offer whole-body contouring with Exion Body for fat reduction and skin rejuvenation in a variety of areas. 

Wondering if Exion is for you? Try our treatment planning tool to see how we can help you with your wellness goals. 

How does Exion work?

Exion is a unique, noninvasive treatment that uses radiofrequency, targeted ultrasound, and microneedling to break down fat cells and tighten skin in many areas of the body. But how do these technologies actually work? Just like those unwanted fat cells, let’s break it down. 

Radiofrequency Technology

Radiofrequency technology works to heat the entire dermis (the inner layer of your skin). When this layer of skin is heated to around 40–42°C, stress is put on the cells responsible for the maintenance of your connective tissue: fibroblasts. With a little nudge, your fibroblasts up the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. These chemicals give strength and elasticity to your skin.  

The heat from radiofrequency technology also helps fat cells to break down. This triggers the natural process of apoptosis, which is your body’s way of disposing of cells it no longer needs.

Targeted Ultrasound

Targeted ultrasound technology works with radiofrequency to optimize hyaluronic acid and collagen production as well as break down tough fat cells. Targeted ultrasound reaches to the reticular dermis, the deepest layer of your skin. 

This technology ensures that the heat of the radiofrequency is well distributed through all the layers of your skin. Ultrasound technology can help the radiofrequency get to difficult areas and make troublesome fat cells sensitive to the effects of the heat. 


Microneedling uses an electric pen-like tool to create microscopic punctures in the skin. These small openings made in the skin’s top layer encourage your skin to undergo its natural healing process. Therefore, your body is  encouraged to produce more collagen, making your skin stronger and more elastic. 

Microneedling helps radiofrequency technology penetrate deep into the skin. By the creation of these micro-wounds, collagen and hyaluronic acid production is sped up. Not only are you getting rid of fat cells, but microneedling also encourages the formation of new healthy and youthful skin cells to bring back your glow. 

Start Your Exion Journey to Better Skin

At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we are all about treating the full you. We’re here to support you on your journey to wellness, whether that’s by fostering your confidence with treatments like EMFACE, or by improving your sexual wellness with Emsella. To experience a complete transformation of your skin’s health, visit us for a consultation to talk about how Exion in St. Petersburg can help. 

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