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Emsella and Sexual Health

Emsella in South Pasadena, FL

February 21, 2024

Control panel Emsella in South Pasadena, FL

A weak pelvic floor not only puts a damper on your personal life, it can also make sex more difficult and less pleasurable. Some people are born with a weak pelvic floor and it is common for the pelvic floor to weaken as you age. Some signs you might be suffering from a weak pelvic floor include an inability to control bowel movements, urinary incontinence, and/or a decrease in sexual pleasure due to laxity. 

A weakening of the pelvic floor is more common than you think, and there are effective treatments available. At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we use Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve your sex life. 

What is Emsella?

Come take a seat! Our BTL Emsella chair is a state-of-the-art device designed to give you comfort during your treatment. It’s a simple device built into a comfortable chair. Emsella uses electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to create contractions in your pelvic floor. It’s like a workout sitting down—the best of both worlds! 

The Emsella treatment takes only 28 minutes. It doesn’t require any downtime, so you can be in and out with minimal disruption to your daily life. 

Emsella was designed to treat urinary incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor can also help your sex life by preventing accidental leakage, improving lubrication and sensation, and improving vaginal tone and tightness.  

How Does Emsella Work?

Emsella is noninvasive and nonsurgical. The device emits electromagnetic waves directly to your pelvic floor muscles, which prompts them to rapidly contract and strengthen.

The electromagnetic wave is produced by a spiral coil that sits under the seat of the Emsella chair. The coil and chair are designed to direct the wave into the center of your perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva). 

Electromagnetic technology is designed to create stimulative effects, which is why it can be so effective for sexual wellness in addition to problems with incontinence. 

The Ultimate Kegel Machine

Emsella mimics Kegel exercises to naturally strengthen these muscles. Kegel exercises target the muscles in your pelvic area that surround your bladder, bowels, and sexual organs. These muscles help to hold these organs in place and control their functions.

Typical Kegel exercises are performed by tightening and then relaxing this muscle set. Your pelvic floor muscles can be difficult to locate. To feel your pelvic floor try to imitate holding in a fart. For those with a vagina, squeeze your vagina as if around a tampon. If you have a penis you can engage these muscles by trying to stop your urine flow while using the bathroom.  

A Kegel exercise is the contraction of these muscles. You shouldn’t be experiencing strain in your back or neck while performing a Kegel. If you are feeling pain in any of these areas, you are not properly engaging your pelvic floor. 

Performing Kegel exercises yourself can be difficult, especially if you are already experiencing issues of incontinence or a lack of control in this area. You will have to build up strength in this area by doing at least two sets (10 Kegels each) every day to start, and then increase your number of sets per day in order to start experiencing results. 

Emsella provides the equivalent of 11,200 Kegels after just one 28-minute session! If you are finding it difficult to build up the strength of your pelvic floor, Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, can easily help you to strengthen these muscles more quickly. 

A Safe and Effective Treatment

Emsella is scientifically proven to be a safe and effective method for treating incontinence problems and improving sexual wellness. 

A 2019 study by Samuels et. al., published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, found Emsella to be the most safe and effective when compared to similar treatments.

The researchers found several issues common in other treatments, for example: pain and discomfort, the difficulty of properly performing pelvic floor exercises (30–50% of women were found to not perform Kegel exercises correctly), and a risk of vaginal infections. 

With Emsella, however, patients reported no pain, no downtime, and the additional benefits of increased sexual desire and improved orgasms. There were no adverse effects reported, and the only side effect described was “muscle fatigue.” Patients reported significant improvements to quality of life, including:

  • Better control over urination throughout the day and night.
  • Reduced incidents of involuntary urination.
  • Improved vaginal and pelvic floor tone. 

We use Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, to treat both urinary incontinence and sexual wellness. At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we are focused on finding innovative solutions to treat the complete you. To us, wellness means more than optimal health—it means being able to enjoy every aspect of your life to the fullest.

Because Emsella uses electromagnetic waves, this treatment is not suitable for patients who are pregnant, have metal implants, or have cardiac devices such as pacemakers. Please speak with us if you have any active infections or conditions, as this could interfere with the effectiveness of your treatment.

Who is Emsella for?

Emsella is for anyone who needs help strengthening their pelvic floor. Emsella can be used on both men and women to improve sexual health.

For People With Vaginas 

Emsella can help people with vaginas to improve vaginal tone and tightness. Vaginal laxity is relatively common among women who have performed vaginal childbirth or have gone through menopause, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be resolved.

Childbirth stretches out the inner vaginal tissue in your vaginal canal, and can also stretch outer tissue layers in the labia, especially if more invasive tools were used during delivery. Vaginal tissue is designed to retract after childbirth, but this doesn’t always happen, often leading to vaginal laxity. Emsella can help with postpartum recovery and get you back to enjoying sex. 

Toning and tightening your vagina can improve sensation, lubrication, and your ability to achieve orgasm. Some women opt for selective vaginal tightening surgery to improve sexual satisfaction. Emsella offers a noninvasive, nonsurgical solution for vaginal tightening, strengthening the muscles you already have to achieve more satisfactory results. 

At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we provide a full range of treatments to improve your sexual wellness and confidence. If you’re looking to tighten up more than just your vagina, we recommend you check out our Exion treatments for full-body rejuvenation, or Emface for our nonsurgical face sculpting

For People With Penises 

Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, is not just for women. Emsella treatment can also help men strengthen their pelvic floor to improve sexual functionality and health. 

Strengthening the pelvic floor with Emsella can help improve erectile function and address issues with controlling ejaculation. 

Your pelvic floor has a lot of responsibilities to perform, including bladder control, bowel control, and sexual function. When you have a weak pelvic floor, none of these systems can function at their best. 

Sometimes this can result in the unfortunate occurrence of all of these functions happening at the same time. By strengthening your pelvic floor, you can ensure each of these systems keep to their lane and that your sexual performance is at its best. 

Emsella can especially help those who have undergone prostate surgery to regain pelvic floor health. After prostate surgery, it is common for men to suffer from incontinence. After the removal of the prostate, the pelvic floor can be severely weakened. It can be hard to regain that strength during recovery. If you are finding it difficult to perform your Kegel routine, Emsella can help launch you back into life with a strong pelvic floor. 

How long do the effects of Emsella last?

At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we understand that each one of our patients is unique. The effects of Emsella can vary based on the number of treatments, the current strength of your pelvic floor, and your individual response to the treatment. Everyone’s body is different. When you come for a treatment with Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness for Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, we will create an individual treatment plan catered to your specific needs so you can maximize the effects of Emsella. 

Man using Emsella in South Pasadena, FL

Our patients typically start to notice the effects of Emsella one to two weeks after their first treatment. In the first couple of weeks, patients have reported increased awareness of the muscles in their pelvic floor and a general tightening of these muscles. During this period, incontinence problems begin to improve, and sex often starts to become more comfortable. 

After this period is when we typically suggest our patients come in for their second treatment. With progressive treatments, our patients can expect increased muscle tone and enhanced sexual performance and pleasure. 

Long-Term Health

After about six weeks of your treatment series, we will start to plan for your long-term sexual wellness. It is our goal to get you to a place where we can put the means for sexual wellness back in your hands. Strengthening your pelvic floor with Emsella can get you to a threshold where you can take back control of your sexual health. 


Emsella at Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness

At Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness, we advocate for a holistic health model. Your personalized treatment plan will consider the many aspects that make up your sexual wellness. We will work with you to create a long-term plan for your sexual wellness. Our custom wellness plans consider your emotional health along with your overall physical health.

With continued Emsella sessions and maintenance treatments, you can expect continued improvement in your pelvic floor strength and sexual wellness. With a long-term treatment plan you can ensure you are getting the most out of these treatments. 

There’s no need to wait any longer. Book your consultation for Emsella in South Pasadena, FL, with us at Thorpe Chiropractic and Wellness. See how Emsella can help you on your path to sexual wellness. 

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